
Announcing the winners of the GAF Journal Article Support Awards

In preparation for GAF8 the Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries Section of the Asian Fisheries Society (GAFS) joined with the CGIAR Research Program on Fish Agri-Food Systems (FISH) led by WorldFish and the CGIAR GENDER Platform to call for proposals for awards to support the preparation and publication of quality, open access, research articles. This aligns with the dual aims to generate evidence to address gaps in data and knowledge, as well as giving greater visibility to gender research and analysis in fisheries and aquaculture.

We are delighted to announce that four (4) awards of USD 5,000 will be given out to individuals (2) and research teams (2) to help them complete and submit a high quality manuscript for publication. The awardees were selected from a strong field from all world regions and from a variety of backgrounds.

We congratulate the awardees. Here are their names and the titles of their proposed papers.

  • Ayodele Oloko (University of Bremen, Germany) “Multidimensional Perspectives of Taboos on Gender Roles of Fisher Folk in sub-Saharan Africa
  • Richard A. Nyiawung (University of Guelph, Canada) and Raymond K. Ayilu (University of Technology, Sydney, Australia) “IIIuminating the hidden informal cross-border trade and women participation for small-scale fisheries in West Africa
  • Esther Ngwira (Lilongwe University of Natural Resources [LUANAR], Malawi) “Comparative gender analysis of roles and responsibilities along the aquaculture value chain in households owning their own fish ponds and in fish ponds owned collectively by belonging in clubs (Malawi)
  • Piyashi Debroy, B K Das, and Chayna Jana (ICAR – Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Barrackpore, Kolkata, India) “Shift in Gender Equity – A Model Study from Reservoirs, Wetlands and Rivers in India

This award scheme has been carried out under the CGIAR GENDER Platform, which is grateful for the support of CGIAR Trust Fund Contributors []. We are also grateful for the work done by all applicants, making the selection process undertaken by the selection committee from the Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries Section and WorldFish very difficult. We thank the selection committee for its work.

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