
Genderaquafish: 2011 in review

Genderaquafish readers 2011:.Source: WordPress

Wishing all you, our GAF readers, a happy, successful and productive 2012!

We thought you might like to hear how Genderaquafish is being used. For the following information, I thank WordPress, our site hosts, for their excellent statistics.

Since starting up in late 2010, we have been fairly active and well read. In just over a year, we have received over 10,000 hits. In 2011, we had 66 posts (average of over one per week). The top 5 referring sites were: Facebook, Yahoo mail, 9AFAF, Asian Fisheries Society home page and WorldFish Center site. The hits came from all over the world (see the map courtesy of WordPress). The highest number were from the USA but India and Philippines were not far behind. The highest number of hits were for various pages associated with the GAF3 Symposium at 9AFAF (GAF3 | 2011 | Shanghai, China), and for the page with our glossary (Glossary of terms).

Although the website was originally developed for GAF3, it is now taking on the role of a source of information on new research and expert materials coming out concerning gender in aquaculture and fishieries. We hope to strengthen this side of the site in 2012 and welcome all your suggestions and contributions.

More detailed statistics are available on request, e.g., let me know if you want to know how many hits your GAF3 paper presentation had.

Meryl Williams (


This entry was posted in: Aquaculture, Frehwater Fisheries, Marine Fisheries