
Passing of Dr M.C. Nandeesha

With deep regret, I convey the sad news that Dr M.C. Nandeesha, the inspiration for starting the Asian Fisheries Society’s Gender/Women in Fisheries/Aquaculture activities in the early 1990s, has passed away in Chennai, India.

Farewell Dr Nandeesha. Source: Dr Mohan Joseph Modayil

The gender and fisheries community, and others such as the fisheries education and aquaculture research and development communities, convey their sincere condolences to his highly esteemed widow, Mrs B Rajeswari Dayal, and their son.

We will prepare a profile of Dr Nandeesha and his contributions in the coming weeks. Meanwhile, those wishing to can post messages on this page to be passed to his family.

Your contributions to the family to help defray recent medical treatment costs are still greatly appreciated.

Meryl Williams

We thank Dr Mohan Joseph Modayil for creating the above graphic tribute to Nandeesha.

27 December 2012

Tributes were submitted by the following persons:

    • Md Ghulam Kibria (2)
    • Holly Hapke
    • Govindaraju GS
    • John Kurien
    • Dr. Adekunle Dada
    • Dr. Basavaraj (tribute from a long term friend/colleague after attending Nandeesha’s funeral)
    • Sunila Rai
    • Melba Bondad-Reantaso (see image below and tribute in Comments)
    • Nikita Gopal

Tribute to Nandeesha from Dr Melba Bondad-Reantaso

This entry was posted in: Aquaculture, Freshwater Fisheries, Gender, India, Marine Fisheries, Men, Women