
SPC Women in Fisheries Info Bull 2010 now out

The Secretariat of the Pacific Community has just released its latest Women in Fisheries Information Bulleting (WIF21). Read the Bulletin at:

Articles in this edition
1. Gender and seaweed farming on Wagina Island, Choiseul Province in Solomon Islands. By M. Kronen et al
2. The historical development of seaweed farming, including roles of men and women, and prospects for its future development in Fiji. by A. Lal and V. Vuki
3. Women’s fishing activities on Aniwa Island, Tafea Province, South Vanuatu. By S. R. Gereva and V. Vuki
4. Some sources of help in how to gather gender disaggregated data. By M.J. Williams
5. Painting the diversity of mangroves. By Verónica Yépez
6. Letters & news from around the region

This entry was posted in: Gender, Marine Fisheries, Women